Keystone Pipeline


As a pipeline supplier, I get asked about the Keystone Pipeline project all the time. Lehigh Industrial Supply is proud to be a part of the supply chain that is building access to North American fuel sources. So, I'm forwarding some details of the Keystone Pipeline and a way for you to request that it be approved by our government. Let's support North American sources of fuel so that we don't have to rely on oil from afar.

Scott Glosenger, President, Lehigh Industrial Supply

A New Goal for our Keystone XL Campaign (By Energy Citizens)

Exciting news! More than 175,000 Energy Citizens from across America have signed our open letter to Secretary Kerry, urging him to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. We are hopeful that at last we have a Secretary of State that will open access to North American oil by approving this critical energy infrastructure project.

And so, today, we're announcing our goal to reach 200,000 signatures on our open letter. Meeting this bold target is going to take all of us working together. With only two weeks to go, we're offering some creative ideas about how you can help.

  • First, and most importantly, make sure you have signed the letter.
  • Tell 10 friends by forwarding this email, and ask them each to tell ten friends.
  • Ask your Facebook friends or Twitter followers to take action by posting the link on your news feed.
  • Talk to groups that you're a member of and ask them to spread the news at their meetings or on their e-newsletter. You can use the link so they can easily sign the petition.

200,000 signatures isn't a magic number that will suddenly get this pipeline approved. The State Department and Administration still have a process to follow. But, they're more likely to accept that public opinion is on our side if we work hard to prove that it is.

We hope you'll join us in meeting this goal. Help us make the Keystone XL pipeline a reality, and bring safe and affordable energy to every American family.

Energy Citizens

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